Healing physical, mental and emotional ailments with intentional pleasure-forward methods.

Picture of Emily Royce

Pleasure forward healing is more effective for re-wiring the nervous system in a frazzled world. Co-regulation and healing in community is more effective than trying to be independent. Together let’s put our energy and care into investigations and modalities that are going to leave a long-lasting pleasure imprint and ripple out into all areas of your life and those you interact with. Being “turned on” to life and the vast possibilities will open you up to your purpose, service, and deep satisfaction.

Work that moves you toward

emotional freedom

physical healing

embodied pleasure

“My work with Emily began to address an acute issue and ended up having a deep impact on how I move through the world in my every day life. My work with her reinforced learning around healthy boundaries, secure communication and the expectation of pleasure. I now live in my body in a free and fully present state. I’m forever changed and grateful.”

— D. G. —